How to Log In to PCC AppStream (Students and Faculty)
How to Save Files in AWS AppStream
AppStream: Unable to Login - 403. That's an error. Error: not_a_saml_app
Please use your *go.pasadena.edu email account to log in to PCC AppStream.
AppStream: Screen appears to be black or blank
On rare occasions, AppStream's app window will appear as a black box instead of showing the app.
AppStream: No Streaming Resources Are Available Error
If you see the error message "No streaming resources are available for your session" after signin
Ways to Access PCC's Virtual Software (AppStream 2.0)
Please use the PDF-version attached to this article as it contains screenshots to help direct you in
M365 Office Licensing Error 53003: Your sign-in was successful but you don’t have permission to access this resource
When opening an Office application on a Windows, Mac or iOS device, if you see the error 53003, whic