Ways to Access PCC's Virtual Software (AppStream 2.0)
Please use the PDF-version attached to this article as it contains screenshots to help direct you in either of the following methods listed below.
Students have two ways to access PCC's free Virtual Software (AppStream 2.0)
[If already logged into your 'go.pasadena.edu' Gmail account]
1. Go to the top-right of the browser window and click on the ‘waffle’ (circle with 9-dots inside).
2. Scroll down and you will see the available virtual apps.
3. Click on the desired app and it will launch.
4. To Exit, click on the drop-down arrow, and select Exit session.
[Logging into AppStream from the PCC webpage]
1. Go PCC’s Free Software page/AppStream 2.0 (https://pasadena.edu/business-administrative-services/its/appstream.php) and choose the software you wish to use.
2. When prompted, log in with your PCC username (do not use your full '@go.pasadena.edu' address).
3. Once you log in, your requested software will launch.
4. To Exit, click on the drop-down arrow, and select Exit session.